ASEAN Tourism Forum 2012 Officially Opened
ASEAN Tourism Forum 2012 Resmi dibuka
Vice President Boediono officially open to the 31st annual event tourism development of ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) in Manado, North Sulawesi, on Wednesday (11/01/2012).
"By saying Bismillah, I officially opened the ASEAN Tourism Forum," said Vice President Boediono.
Vice President officially opened the ATF to-31 with the beating tetengkoren, traditional means of Manado.
Vice President who spoke in English to say, this forum pentinguntuk further enhance ASEAN interstate relations as well as encourage the development of tourism in the region. Tourism according to the Vice President to be one important contributor to the economy and growing portion.
Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Marie Elka Pangestu, opened the event after about three hours to fly from Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport in Jakarta to Sam Ratulangi Airport, Manado.
Vice fly from Halim Airport at 13:30 GMT (14:30 PST) by using a special aircraft Boeing 737 Air Force and arrived at Sam Ratulangi Airport at around 17:45 pm. Vice President is scheduled to go right back to Jakarta after the opening and arrived in Port Halim around 23:00 pm.
ASEAN Tourism Forum is an annual event that was held by 10 countries joined in ASEAN to introduce each other and develop a tourism destination in the respective ASEAN countries.
In 2012, the ASEAN Tourism Forum held in Manado, Indonesia start from 8 to 15 January. ASEAN Tourism Forum this time is that to a 31 since it opened in Malaysia in 1981.
The event was attended by more than 900 exhibitor from various countries such as Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia which was visited by about 300 more buyers.
ASEAN Tourism Forum : ASEAN Tourism for Global Community of Nations
On this occasion, Chairman of the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF 2012), Wardiyatmo, said ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF 2012) that takes place is for to-31 times. At the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF 2012) themed “ASEAN Tourism for Global Community of Nations”, which includes not only the role of tourism in the ASEAN region but of the level are also more spread to the East Asia region. This meeting was attended by delegates apart from ASEAN member countries, as well as by representatives of ASEANTA dikiuti (ASEAN Travel Agents Association), AJC (ASEAN Japan Center), AKC (ASEAN Korea Centre) and ACC (ASEAN-China Centre).
Agreement of ASEAN Tourism Forum
On another occasion, the Governor of North Sulawesi, Sinyo Harry Sarundajang in Manado, said that in order to expand the ASEAN tourism, Manado as a destination for MICE and Adventure tourism can be a choice the people of ASEAN as a tourist destination. In Manado contained underwater natural wealth that has been very popular with lovers of the underwater Duni. This will make Manado Sulawesi province in general be one of the Tourism hub in ASEAN. ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF 2012) provide a positive impact on ASEAN tourism. If the goal of ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF 2012) can generate cooperation ratification of the ASEAN-India tourism. Cooperation is characterized by a document signed tanganinya ASEAN-India MoU on Tourism Cooperation. Of the documents signed at the ASEAN Tourism Forum, it will create an agreement that stated in the ASEAN Tourism Marketing Strategy document (ATMs) from 2011 to 2015. (source: atfindonesia,,more )
Wakil Presiden Boediono membuka secara resmi perhelatan tahunan ke-31 pengembangan pariwisata ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) di Manado, Sulawesi Utara, Rabu (11/1/2012).
"Dengan mengucapkan bismillah, saya resmi membuka Asean Tourism Forum," kata Wakil Presiden Boediono.
Wapres membuka secara resmi ATF ke-31 dengan melakukan pemukulan tetengkoren, alat tradisional Manado.
Wapres yang berpidato dalam bahasa inggris mengatakan, forum ini pentinguntuk semakin meningkatkan hubungan antarnegara ASEAN sekaligus mendorong perkembangan turisme di kawasan. Turisme menurut Wapres menjadi salah satu kontributor penting bagi perekonomian dan porsinya terus membesar.
Sementara itu, Wapres didampingi oleh Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Marie Elka Pangestu membuka acara tersebut setelah terbang sekitar tiga jam dari Bandara Halim Perdana Kusumah di Jakarta ke Bandara Sam Ratulangi, Manado.
Wapres terbang dari Pelabuhan Udara Halim pukul 13.30 WIB (14.30 WITA) dengan menggunakan pesawat khusus Boeing 737 TNI AU dan tiba di Bandara Sam Ratulangi sekitar pukul 17.45 WITA. Wapres dijadwalkan langsung kembali ke Jakarta seusai pembukaan dan tiba di Pelabuhan Halim sekitar pukul 23.00 WIB.
ASEAN Tourism Forum merupakan acara tahunan yang digelar oleh 10 negara yang tergabung di ASEAN untuk saling memperkenalkan tujuan wisata dan mengembangkan pariwisata di masing-masing negara ASEAN.
Pada 2012, ASEAN Tourism Forum digelar di Manado, Indonesia mulai tanggal 8 hingga 15 Januari. ASEAN Tourism Forum kali ini merupakan yang ke 31 sejak dibuka di Malaysia pada 1981.
Acara ini dihadiri lebih dari 900 eksibitor dari berbagai negara-negara seperti Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Filipina, Singapura, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand dan Kamboja yang didatangi oleh sekitar 300 lebih pembeli.
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